Upmystrasse champions local business and promotes business on your High Street.

We want your business and ours to grow.

How can you support us ?

The most powerful way of promotion is word of mouth.

Simply tell people about “Upmystrasse” your local area guide available for “free” on the Apple App Store.

Download our Code and display the code in your shop window. Include the QR in any printed media.

If you would like your logo integrated into our QR design “Contact Us” and we will integrate it for you.

We are able to monitor installs and have a “point reward” system in place. Earn you points based on “user installation” and receive substantial discounts on our other app solutions or free advertising within upmystrasse.

Join us now !

Now is the time to push back, revitalise the shops in your area and fight the eCommerce giants.

Ebay has made a start by offering local collection points via Argos branches in the UK.